Friday, March 19, 2010

as we close the week....

As most of you all know, there are alot of challenges when faced with caring for someone who has been through as much as Paul has...with all of the medications he is on, his limited diet and the fact that he has been primarily confined to his bed for about three weeks now...these have a played havoc on his digestive system. With all of the efforts to try and alleviate that 'problem' (I am trying to word this very delicately), Paul is exhausted. As a result, he felt there was no way he could make it to Dr. Blincoe's office today...which was probably a very good idea. The good thing is that the 'problem' is now under control to some degree but we have to keep in mind that anything that goes out needs to be replaced...there has to be a constant level of fluids in his body...he can't have too much and he can't have too little...even through all of this he has maintained his humor and appreciation of those of us who are privileged to help with his care. He was able to work with the physical therapist yesterday and does have some exercises he can do in bed to help him become a little more active.

With the First Day of Spring tomorrow, (and Ann's 70th birthday-she would kill me for mentioning this so please, no one tell her you heard it from me!!!)...take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the sky no matter what the weather is where you are; take a moment to smile at a complete stranger; take a moment to enjoy the wonder of how little seeds become beautiful flowers; take a moment to call a loved one or friend you haven't spoken to in a long time; take a moment to perhaps forgive someone you need to forgive; take a moment to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you....and then, take a moment to thank God for all the blessings you have in your always, your prayers mean the world to us and know we pray for you all in return!


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