Monday, April 5, 2010

with our heartfelt thanks....

On behalf of Ann, Stacey and I along with our family members we would like to thank you all for your love of Paul and support and prayers for has been so wonderful seeing dear friends and hearing so many great stories about is an understatement to say that he was a very unique man and 'one in a million' and he will be sorely missed. As you all know, the days ahead will be filled with so many emotions for us all especially Ann and we all know death is a part of life and we can all rationalize that until we wake up each morning missing the heck out of a loved one and wondering how in the world we will go on...but you find a has been a joy and privilege to write these updates and I would not have been able to do so without having God lead and guide me. It was an honor to meet so many of you today and put names to faces of friends whom I had heard so much about all these years...there were a few of you who had asked for a copy of the poem I wrote and read at Paul's service so here it personal thanks for loving and caring so much about my dear family.

My Tribute to Paul…

Don’t grieve for me…for now I’m free
I’m following the path God had planned for me
I took His hand when I heard Him call
Yes, I turned my back and left you all…
Please understand I could not stay another day
When getting well was just not my say
As you all know I gave it my best
And now God says it is time for me to rest
First you made us laugh…now you’ve made us cry..
God knows we surely do not understand why..
Don’t be burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you smiles and sunshine of tomorrow
My life’s been so full…I’ve savored much
Great friends…good times…my family’s touch…
If my leaving has left a void…
Then fill it with remembered joy…
Tasks left undone must stay that way
I found my peace at the close of the day
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief
Please don’t lengthen it now with undue grief…
May you always feel my presence…by your side
This is our Fathers’ wish that we must abide…
Lift up your hearts and peace to Thee
God wanted me now…He set me free…

~Laurie Chambers

Thursday, April 1, 2010

it is a sad day....

AS most of you know, Paul's died this morning at around 4:00am...he had gotten up to use the bathroom around 2:00am and was almost back to his bed when he fell on the floor and was unresponsive...Ann called 911 and they began to adminster CPR...he was transported to Piedmont...they were able to get a pulse and heartbeat but he had 'been down' for 40 minutes or so and there was concern of brain damage...they were unable to keep his pulse and heartbeat and we all realized that it was just 'his time'...I take comfort in that Ann and I were with him when he took his final breathe as he didn't want to die alone...he fought long and hard and coming back this time was just more than his condition would allow him...though his determination never waivered even last evening before I left, he told me that maybe the therapists could help him regain his strength and getting him feeling better.

Paul's last day was spent going to see Dr. Woodson and afterwards, asked to be driven by some of the properties he owned...kind of take a ride through his 'beloved' Atlanta that he was instrumental in developing the skyline of (I know that's not good English but you all just please bear with me). Once they returned home he had some soup...then after I arrived, Ann went to get him a 'Steak n' Shake' milkshake (his very favorite)...he and I chatted our 'usual chat'...tonight it was about Obama's health care plan which was a loaded question...I gave my opinions then I bounced off him the quote I had received to have my yard cut, etc. and told him that he needed to get himself better so he could come see my new little house...that will never happen and he would be so proud.....I realize I am rambling here a little...I'm sorry...he seemed very fidgety while I was there first wanting to sit in the chair then get back in bed and sit up....'sitting up' seemed to be key yesterday as we heard the same comments from Ernestine...

After us all talking during the course of today, we have come to realize that Paul believed his time was near, though he never waivered with his determination...we know that he died peacefully...and that he is in Heaven...

We have made his funeral arrangements....many of you may not know that Paul's wish was to be creamated...just a few days ago Ann asked if that was 'really still his wish' and he told her "I've been telling you that ever since I first met you' so his ashes will be interred at a later date. On Monday, April 5th at 11:00am we will have a Memorial Service at HM Patterson & Son's on Allen Road in Sandy Springs...we will be there to receive family and friends at 10:00am...

We are holding up as well as can be expected...finalizing the arrangements was a great relief...we are good for now with food, etc. The days ahead will be difficult but we will get would make Paul furious if we didn't....

Your continued prayers are so welcomed, appreciated and what we all need most right now....I must say that it has been a sincere privilege to write these updates about Paul and obviously regretted writing this one but knew it would happen one day...our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you.

Love, Laurie

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Paul's visit with Dr. Woodson (kidney specialist)

Basically this is what's going on...we are in a 'Catch 22' situation where they can try to do something to help Paul's heart but it will effect his kidneys negatively and visa versa...while he has kidney output, the kidney itself is not functioning properly meaning it's not cleansing the way it should...the only thing that can be done to change this would be dialysis and Paul's cardiologist does not feel he would be a candidate for this point he will be monitored more closely and Dr. Woodson made a slight change in his medication for the next few days. They will have the results of his bloodwork taken today at the end of this week and depending on those results, they may proceed in a different manner.

Paul continues to remain very strong-willed and determined...he says that he isn't in any pain but just most of the time 'just doesn't feel good'...between all of this along with his diabetes it is no wonder...I will continue to keep you updated.

I realize that I am repeating myself but would be remiss if I didn't take each opportunity to let you all know how much we appreciate your continued love, support and most of all...prayers.

Love, Laurie

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

a quiet start to the week....

Paul has had a few uneventful days which is a good thing! He will go to see Dr. Woodson (Nephrologist) tomorrow and continue with physical and occupational therapy. He spends his days resting, sitting up in the chair reading the paper, watching TV/movies and getting up as much as he can...we continue to monitor his blood sugar and sodium intake while getting him to eat somewhat balanced easy task for those of you who know Paul well!!! :-) Ernestine is continue to come each day during the week which helps tremendously! We feel that the 'worst is over' for now and have established a routine that everyone is comfortable with...again, we would not be able to do this without your prayers and support....our heartfelt thanks to you all!

Love, Laurie

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Paul's visit to Dr. Blincoe....

The latter part of this week has been a pretty good one at the Story home...Paul went to see Dr. Blincoe yesterday and the word is that his heart is no worse/no better from when he left the hospital three weeks the plan is just to continue what we have been doing...he'll go back for regular visits to the Heart Failure Clinic as he has in the past...the physical & occupational therapists will continue to help him regain his strength. He is in really good spirits and doesn't miss an opportunity to make us laugh or tell us what to do for him!!! Our thanks to all of you for your prayers, love, support and help during these last several weeks and for those to come! Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paul is a trooper....

I don't think there is really anything else I can add to the fact that 'Paul is a trooper'...his body has been through so much and last night he and I were shuffling to the bathroom with a walker...swollen feet and all! There is certainly something to be said for having a strong will and determination and that your outlook and attitude can certainly have a positive effect on one's recovery along with the great power of prayer. Paul is by no means back to where he was before this last event, however, he has surprised us all! This week will be a busy one with both physical and occupational therapists coming in along with trips to the Heart Failure Clinic, to see Dr. Blincoe and also Dr. Woodson...keep the much appreciated prayers coming, please!


Friday, March 19, 2010

as we close the week....

As most of you all know, there are alot of challenges when faced with caring for someone who has been through as much as Paul has...with all of the medications he is on, his limited diet and the fact that he has been primarily confined to his bed for about three weeks now...these have a played havoc on his digestive system. With all of the efforts to try and alleviate that 'problem' (I am trying to word this very delicately), Paul is exhausted. As a result, he felt there was no way he could make it to Dr. Blincoe's office today...which was probably a very good idea. The good thing is that the 'problem' is now under control to some degree but we have to keep in mind that anything that goes out needs to be replaced...there has to be a constant level of fluids in his body...he can't have too much and he can't have too little...even through all of this he has maintained his humor and appreciation of those of us who are privileged to help with his care. He was able to work with the physical therapist yesterday and does have some exercises he can do in bed to help him become a little more active.

With the First Day of Spring tomorrow, (and Ann's 70th birthday-she would kill me for mentioning this so please, no one tell her you heard it from me!!!)...take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the sky no matter what the weather is where you are; take a moment to smile at a complete stranger; take a moment to enjoy the wonder of how little seeds become beautiful flowers; take a moment to call a loved one or friend you haven't spoken to in a long time; take a moment to perhaps forgive someone you need to forgive; take a moment to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you....and then, take a moment to thank God for all the blessings you have in your always, your prayers mean the world to us and know we pray for you all in return!
